Under the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (BSA) community broadcasters are not permitted to broadcast 'advertising'.
Sponsorship, however, is permitted and this is akin to a limited form of advertising. The BSA outlines two key requirements of a sponsorship announcement:
- Sponsorship content will be limited to five minutes in any hour (BSA Sch 2, Part 5 clause 9 (3))
- Every sponsorship announcement will be clearly “tagged” (BSA Sch 2, Part 1, clause 2 (2)(b)).
In line with Code 6, Hawkesbury Radio will make sure that:
- Sponsorship will not be a factor in determining access to broadcasting time
- Editorial decisions affecting the content and style of overall station programming are not influenced by program or station sponsors
- Further information on sponsorship requirements is available ACMA’s Community Broadcasting Sponsorship Guidelines 2008 – see